
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Turn Taker - Autism App

The Turn Taker uses visual and/or audio cues to facilitate turn taking and/or sharing in children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome or other special need. This app has also been used successfully with young children, children diagnosed with ADHD, and with any child that finds it difficult to share!


Downloads | Android

Autism myVoice Communicator App

Autism myVoice Communicator is an app designed to aide non-verbal children (even toddlers) and adults with communication. As seen on CBS 60 minutes, (Apps for Autism) autism apps like Autism myVoice is also considered to be an easy to use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device.
Unlike many other communication apps of this type, Autism myVoice can be used IMMEDIATELY after install for communication of basic needs, wants and/or emotions. This AAC app has been preloaded with pictures to touch, (Autism myVoice will immediately speak or say what has been tapped or touched) from meals and drinks (pancakes, lasagna, bananas, milk, apple juice) to different places (home, park) and toys or emotions (for ex. "I am happy!").

Downloads | Android

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

iToucan Talk Alpha App

It is now a way for anyone who has difficulty with speaking to be able to communicate. It's free of charge and does not contain advertising, relying solely on voluntary donations. So Dad, Mum, Brother, sister, child career, teacher can all have it on their phone or tablet without distracting ads.

Using icons/pictographs, it could help anyone on the Autism Spectrum or non-verbal to communicate. The current default set consists of the Barcelona University (Augmentative Techniques Unit – UTAC) communication boards.

Download: Android

Global Autism Alliance App

This free app provides information (text and videos) about Global Autism Alliance (GAA). The GAA is a network of autism organizations who are actively partnering on specific projects and programs on a global scale. Some of the plans include sponsoring international conferences, creating professional training webinars, establishing networked treatment clinics, translating important articles, and much more.

Download:  Android

Friday, March 22, 2013

Autism Assessment - A questionnaire for the signs $1.99

The test is made up of 72 questions written by a board certified behavior analyst for the caregiver of the person (called client) in question. Each question represents part of the definition and diagnostic criteria for a diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder. Results of the assessment can be easily e-mailed from the app.

This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad

Download: IOS

Emotions and Feelings Autism

This app includes a social story about different emotions and feelings you may have throughout the day, and a simple visual support for asking how someone is feeling, or identifying feelings or emotions. The story focuses on why or when a person may feel something, and what may cause different feelings or emotions.

This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad

Download: IOS

Autism Speaks App

At Autism Speaks, our goal is to change the future for all who struggle with autism spectrum disorders.
We are dedicated to funding global biomedical research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and cure for autism; to raising public awareness about autism and its effects on individuals, families, and society; and to bringing hope to all who deal with the hardships of this disorder. We are committed to raising the funds necessary to support these goals.
Autism Speaks aims to bring the autism community together as one strong voice to urge the government and private sector to listen to our concerns and take action to address this urgent global health crisis. It is our firm belief that, working together, we will find the missing pieces of the puzzle.
Autism Speaks. It's time to listen

Download: IOS Android

Touch Trainer - Autism 4.99$

Touch Trainer is a simple cause and effect app designed for an individual diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, down syndrome, or other special need, or a young child just learning about touch screen technology. Touch Trainer plays music and shows a simple animation whenever a button is tapped. The button gets progressively smaller as the app moves through the levels to easily teach individuals how to use a touch screen. In the settings menu the caregiver can decide if the app will "react" to any touch or if it only recognizes distinct taps.

This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad
Download: IOS 

Autism iHelp – Colors

Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by parents of a child with Autism and a speech-language pathologist. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing on their unique strengths and difficulty with expressive vocabulary.
Autism iHelp is an invaluable tool for your child with Autism when those first words just don’t come. The colorful real-life photos are presented in an easy-to-label format.
This app includes 72 real world photos; it has been proven that children with Autism respond best to photos as opposed to illustrations and are very visual learners.
This app also includes two Learning Enhancement activities. These learning activities are presented in a game-like format. These games check retention of the learned vocabulary and integrate auditory and visual memory. Additionally, you are able to track your child's gains through progress reports that average the last 3 performances of each learning enhancement activity.
Autism iHelp colors is extremely unique when compared to any other first word learning apps. This app includes groups of pictures categorized by specific color. This app helps to distinguish and identify common items by color and allows for increased environmental generalization. This helps the child with Autism to recognize that boundaries in regards to categorization are not exclusive. Fortunately, the pictures for groups 'red' and 'yellow' are free of charge.

This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad
Download: IOS 

Behavior Support for Autism

The Behavior Support App provides information for parents, caretakers and educators of children who need positive methods to support behavior. This tool aims to give users a starting point in labeling target behaviors, identifying functions or motivations for the behaviors and developing behavior support plans.
Additionally, the app connects the user to the website to access more teacher and parent resources. We hope that you will find our information useful and helpful for many years to come. Please tell a friend, family member or co-worker about us!
Highlights of the app include:
-Tips on labeling the target behavior
-Ideas for identifying the functions of a behavior
-Strategies for preparing a behavior intervention plan

Download: Android

Autism & PDD Prob. Solv. Lite

Buddy Bear products have a huge following among speech-language pathologists and early interventionists for the proven techniques they use to improve communication skills in children with autism spectrum disorders. Use Buddy Bear to help students develop problem-solving and reasoning skills. 
Learning strategies in the app target the unique learning needs of children with autism and developmental disabilities:
• simple, predictable language
• uncluttered illustrations
• reassuring audio narration
• open-ended responses 
Children choose the correct answer with an easy one-click response. Back, forward, and repeat arrows provide easy screen navigation. The stories are fully narrated and a friendly “Good job!” reinforces correct responses. 
Practice all of these skills in isolation:
• Solving a Problem—answer “what” questions to solve problems
• Cause and Effect—answer a "why" question to determine cause and effect
• Predicting—infer and predict what Buddy Bear is going to do based on the items he has
• Sequencing—identify Buddy Bear’s next step
• Comparing—identify how two items are the same

Download: Android

Face Read 2 - Lite Autism

This is a great new app for the autism community. Face Read 2 was created to help learn different facial expressions. This is the 'Lite' version of our mobile app. During the activity, there will be three things: A training, a trial, and a reward. In the training, the user will be prompted with different faces and their associated emotions. Then during the trial, they will be asked to identify the expression from four choices. When an answer is given, there will be a small animation played. At the end, there is a score screen followed by a final visual reward.
This touch app is part of the iLearnNEarn series. If you are looking for more apps for autism, please check out our standalone iLearnNEarn app.

Download: Android

Animals Sound - Lite Autism

Our Animal Sounds app helps to identify different sounds that animals make. This is the Lite version of our touch app, specially designed for children with autism spectrum disorder. In this app the child will be introduced to different animals and the sounds they make. They will then be asked to distinguish from four choices which the animal makes the given noise. When they finish the activity, they will be presented with a visual reward.
This autism training app is part of the iLearnNEarn series. Webteam Corporation has been developing innovative games for kids with different learning disorders. If this app holds your interest, please check out iLearnNEarn.

Download: Android

Approach To Autism

To the individuals challenged by the Autism Spectrum, Approach to Autism offers one source, connecting parents, families and professionals with instant access to the top resources.
With just a touch, you’ll find:

· Local and National resource listings
· Publishers
· Clinics
· Health resources
· Products
· Therapists
· Current tips
· Educational sources
· Conventional and creative venues

Valuable information for you and your family when choosing…
the right Approach to Autism.

Download: Android

Autism iHelp – Play

Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by parents of a child with Autism and a speech-language pathologist. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing on their unique strengths and difficulty with expressive vocabulary.
Autism iHelp is an invaluable tool for your child with Autism when those first words just don’t come. The colorful real-life photos are presented in an easy-to-label format. 
This app includes several features:
24 real world photos; it has been proven that children with Autism respond best to photos as opposed to illustrations and are very visual learners. 
- 24 photos chosen based on established expressive language milestones are divided into three sub groups of eight. With 24 photos, over-stimulation is less likely which increases the child’s ability to grasp the concepts at an appropriate rate.
- Labels of all photos with the option to turn off the label as some children with Autism may be more drawn to the written word. At the end of eight images there will be an option to try again, aiding in repetition and drill required for learning new words.

Download: Android

NIH: Autism Information

If someone you care about suffers from Autism, this application will come in very handy for every day use. All information contained is from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Included, you'll find sections on:
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Diagnosis
- Treatment Options
- Ongoing Research
Plus an section devoted to Prevalence of Autism, Medications, and a brief discussion of Autism and Vaccinations.

Download: Android